What is the YWCA?
YWCA is a non-profit organization, founded its Egyptian Branch in 1909, that aims to empower women, promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

How is the YWCA involved in the summer/winter camps?
YWCA is a well-established organization that provides organizational, logistical, financial and legal support for the summer/winter camps.

How long has the YWCA been organizing summer camps?
The first YWCA Summer Camp was in the summer of 1922. However, the first summer camp which focused on campers’ character development was in 1932. With only two brief hiatuses, one from 1940-1943 because of WWII and another 2011-2016 because of campsite logistic issues, YWCA has been organizing summer camps every year since then. You can find out more details at our History page.

Who are the leaders at YWCA Camp?
YWCA Camp leaders are diverse group of former campers who volunteer to counsel camps, in order to be part of the younger campers’ lives.

How far is YWCA Summer/Winter Camp from Cairo?
Summer/Winter Camps are held in our permanent YWCA campsite located at Paradise Beach Resort in Ras Sedr, which is about three hours from Cairo.

How much does YWCA Summer Camp cost?
Kids, Girls and Boys Camps cost EGP 7000 for the one-week camp, while University Camp costs EGP 4500 for the four-day camp.

What does the YWCA Summer Camp fee include?
YWCA Summer Camp fee includes accommodation for six-nights, three daily meals, transportation to and from YWCA campsite, as well as, the use of house facilities during the camp activities.

What does the YWCA Summer Camp refund policy?
Please note that our refund policy is:
– Full refund for cancellations up to 4 weeks before the camp’s start date,
– 50% refund for cancellations up to 2 weeks before the camp’s start date,
– No refund for cancellations during the 2 weeks leading up to the camp.
The refund policy unfortunately reflects incurring costs the closer we are to the camp date.


Can my child attend more than one Kids Camp?
Campers who wish to attend more than one camp may do so. However, they will be on the waiting list for the second camp, because priority is given to those who have not registered for other camps.

Which camps is my child eligible to join?
Camps are split based on age group:
– Kids Camp: from 7 to 12 years,
– Girls/Boys Camp: from 13 to 17 years.
– University Camp: from 18 to 23 years.

My child would like to attend a camp with an older/younger sibling/relative/friend for support, can you make an exception for the age restriction?
YWCA Camps are character-building camps that are structured in a way to build dependence, as well as to focus on inclusion. Don’t worry if your child is a bit shy. The camp structure and leaders make sure that all campers take part, contribute and realise their potential in the different activities, and in doing so helping their unit score as many points. The competitive nature of the camp helps in both developing team-work and focusing on the individual’s contribution.

Can I visit my child during YWCA Summer/Winter Camp?
Parents/guardian visits are not allowed, as this camp focuses on character building, and visitation is likely to disrupt the schedule and negatively affect the spirit set during the camp.

Can I speak to my child during YWCA Summer/Winter Camp?
Campers are also not allowed to contact anybody outside YWCA Summer/Winter Camp, parents included.

Whom do I call to check on my child and when can I do that?
For every camp, there are contact leaders, assigned with the task of taking parents’ phone calls at defined hours. You can check up on your child during those hours through the leaders. The contact information for those leaders will be communicated during the camp preparation phase, prior to the YWCA Summer/Winter Camp.

Can campers choose their roommates?
Yes, campers are allowed to choose whom they share rooms with.

How many campers share a room?
An average room holds up to 4 campers.


What do campers need to bring to YWCA Camp?
Please check the packing items at the YWCA Camp Preparation page.

Can campers bring their electronics devices to use during rest times?
For the immersive experience and embracing the spirit of simplicity, electronic devices are not allowed for the duration of the YWCA Camp.

Can campers bring their mobile phones?
Mobile phones are also not allowed.

Do campers need pocket money for YWCA Camp?
Yes, there is a cantine available for snacks during the day.

Do campers need to bring their own bed sheets?
No, we provide bed sheets and blankets. However, if a camper wants to bring their own beddings they may do so.

Do campers need to bring their own towels?
Yes, we will not be providing towels.


Will campers get to swim in the sea?
Campers will be only allowed to swim at the sea only during activities that are scheduled for that. There are age considerations that come into play when planning any swimming activities at the YWCA Summer Camp.

Will there be leaders supervising swimmers at all times?
YWCA Camp leaders will be supervising beach activities, and campers are not allowed in to swim except at certain points of time according to the program.


What will be sold at the YWCA Summer/Winter Camp canteen?
Junk food like chips and soda will not be sold at our canteen. We try to offer healthier alternatives; juice instead of soda, and biscuits/baked items instead of chips.

A camper has food allergies, what do I need to do?
Make note of it in the registration form and inform the leaders.

What food is served on a typical day?
A typical day’s menu usually consists of:
Breakfast: Beans, eggs, cheese, bread, salad, juice and milk/hot chocolate.
Lunch: Meat/chicken/fish, rice/pasta, cooked vegetables, salad and fruit.
Dinner: Pasta or sandwiches.

My child is a picky eater, how will you handle this?
We have a minimum serving for each item of food, so campers get a healthy nutritious meal. If a camper does not like a particular item of food, they can stop at the minimum serving and not ask for more. However, what is served on a camper’s plate must be eaten; we do not throw food away! We let campers decide how much over the minimum serving they want of every item, this way they are responsible for finishing their plate.


Whom do I report medical conditions to?
If your child has any allergies or a medical condition, please make note of it in the registration form. A leader will then contact you to inquire more about your child’s condition. The leader then informs the camp’s director with all the special care that needs to be taken, which in turn gets passed on to the leaders involved for the duration of the YWCA Camp.

Are there special precautionary measures for COVID-19?
Due to the current COVID situation, we are taking extra precautions to help limit any possible spread of infection. Those precautionary measures include:
– Symptom and temperature screening for all campers, leaders and staff.
– Reducing the number of campers per hut
– Minimizing indoor activities
– Regular cleaning and sanitizing the camp area and materials used.
– Daily temperature checks.
– Having a doctor oncall for every camp.

Anybody exhibiting early signs or symptoms is immediately separated from the rest of the camp and would comply in accordance with the appropriate medical procedures.

Will you contact me if my child gets sick?
Yes, in the case of a camper’s illness, you will be contacted regarding your child’s condition and updated regularly. You will be advised on the treatment plan being implemented, should you wish to change it.

Do you have a well-stocked pharmacy?
Yes, we have a first aid kit and basic medications at all times on YWCA Camp. There are also pharmacies close by the camp site if any more medication is required.

What is the medical situation for the YWCA Camps?
There is a doctor available on-call for every camp.

Where is the closest hospital to YWCA campsite?
There is a military medical center close by, about 20 minutes from the YWCA campsite.  All camps will have a car available onsite in case of emergencies.